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About Us

We have been delivering energy solutions longer than most other companies have been in existence.

decades of experience

Delivering Excellence - Pure & Simple

Making Energy Efficiency Easy

We solve energy challenges for companies, facilities and institutions across North America.

Origyn International powers organizations and institutions by providing access to the latest energy technology in a new and better way:  Through a simple savings-as-a-service model. 

This creates positive economic and environmental change for our clients, and is the ultimate win-win scenario.

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World-Class Results from a World-Class Team

It takes a very talented group of people to make innovative energy solutions a reality.

Been There, Done That

We Have the Experience Where it Matters Most

Energy efficiency is often either too confusing or outside the financial reach of many businesses, facilities and institutions.

Origyn removes those barriers, making it possible for businesses, schools, facilities and institutions to achieve their financial and environmental goals through improved and profitable energy efficiency solutions.

With over a quarter-century of energy efficiency experience, we’ve been solving energy challenges longer than just about anyone else.

Our clients appreciate the level of comfort in working with a company who has ‘been there, done that’ with energy solutions.

Constant Innovation

Creators of the nationwide ‘Savings as a Service’ Platform

See how we forever changed the energy efficiency landscape by providing a nationwide platform for turnkey energy efficiency solutions, without requiring any capex or debt, that delivers savings from day one.


Promoting Sustainability

ESG Standards

Origyn International promotes environmental protection, sustainability, social diversity, and inclusion, as well as the governance to ensure compliance with both external reporting as well as adhereing internally through the leadership and rules companies are dedicated to.

GHG reduction along with Carbon tracking and reporting are becoming mandated by the SEC for public companies and by the U.S. Treasury for private ones.  And tracking must be both certified and meet the United Nations requirements to help create a worldwide standard.

A company’s carbon score will let investors know the environmental and financial risks involved with that company. Energy saving technologies can create carbon reductions and improve the company’s score, or create opportunities to sell their carbon offset into the carbon markets.  Carbon tracking will increase the financial incentive for companies to invest in carbon reduction solutions.

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Let’s Talk Energy Savings

To learn more about how Origyn International Services can help your building, school, facility or organization get lower energy costs, simply fill out the form below, and one of our energy experts will connect with you shortly.
