Reduce Electricity Costs

Variable Frequency Drives

Optimize your equipment so it runs at peak efficiency.

Use Up to 70% Less Electricity

What is a Variable Frequency Drive?

Variable Frequency Drives, otherwise known as VFDs, variable speed drives, or adjustable speed drives, are devices that can be connected to the motor of a given piece of equipment, which then matches the speed of the motor to the optimal electric load requirement of the equipment, which can reduce electricity usage by as much as 70%.  

See for yourself how it works:

Important Benefits

Why Use VFDs?


Reduce Energy Use

If you have equipment that does not need to run at full speed, then you can cut your energy costs by controlling the motor with a variable frequency drive.

VFDs allow you to match the speed of the motor-driven equipment to the load requirement, so the motor only runs as fast as is required. 

Extend the Lifespan

Whether its escalators, ventilation fans, or elevators, electric motors only know one speed:  Full power.

And unfortunately, you pay the price for this through higher electricity bills and increased equipment wear and tear.

Your equipment will last longer (and will have less maintenance downtime) when it is controlled by VFDs.

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Add Protection

Because of the VFD’s optimal control of the motor’s frequency and voltage, the VFD will offer better protection from issues such as electro thermal overloads, phase protection, undervoltage, overvoltage, ‘instant shock’, and more.

This added protection reduces maintenance events for your equipment.

Less Risk. More Reward.

Learn how you can get Variable Frequency Drives for your building with zero up-front investment

Don’t let budget constraints stop you from getting the energy efficiency upgrades you need to finally get your energy costs under control.

Talk to us to learn how our Energy Savings as a Service program might be a good fit for your situation, and get Variable Frequency Drives installed and serviced with zero investment and zero debt.

Free Consultation

Still have questions? Connect with our Expert Benchmarking Team and see how our professional benchmarking solutions can benefit your organization.
