Here Comes the Sun


For most buildings, a smart solar solution can significantly reduce electricity costs.  And Origyn Services can help you get a complete modern solar solution without any capital investment. 

Uninterrupted Energy

Energy Resiliency

High building operating costs can cut into already thin profit margins.  

Minimizing those costs creates susbstantial savings and a platform for long-term sustainable business strategies.

Our approach to solar brings together our nearly three decades of proven expertise with value-added energy solutions to allow our building, facility, school and institutional clients to leverage solar as a consistent, resilient way to power their operations.

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Uninterrupted Energy

If You Thought Solar was Smart, You’re Right

Many organizations invest in solar to help offset expenses such as electrical demand charges, while others couple their solar solution with other related infrastructure investments, such as a major roof repair or new construction. 

By combining photovoltaic (PV) solar systems with modern battery storage systems, solar panels generate electricity while the sun shines upon them then hold the excess energy to contribute to your energy requirements at night or in inclement weather, or to satisfy “surge” demands.  This is particularly important in the “shoulder” hours, when sudden load spikes might result in demand charges.

Unlike other energy companies, Origyn International has an entire expert solar team available to help with any questions or concerns you might have.

Never Lose Power Again

Energy Consistency

What is your cost of electricity downtime?

This is a question for which every organization should readily know the answer.  Electricity downtime could mean losses in product, revenue, operations, and even in some cases lives.

The greater the potential cost, the more important it is to consider having an electricity resiliency plan. 

There are plenty of uncertainties facing buildings, facilities, schools and institutions these days. Electricity reliability shouldn’t be one of them.  Adding electricity resiliency may be easier to achieve than you might think.  Solar solutions are not one-size-fits-all, so identifying the right company that can deliver scalable solar solutions designed to operate with your local utility and local regulations is vital.

And Origyn International has nearly three decades of experience in this sector, so we know exactly what it takes to get it done right.

Less Risk. More Reward.

Learn how you can get a complete Solar solution for your building with zero up-front investment

Don’t let budget constraints stop you from getting the solar solution you want and finally get your energy costs under control.

Talk to us to learn how our Energy Savings as a Service program might be a good fit for your situation, and get a complete Solar system installed and serviced with zero investment and zero debt.

Free Consultation

To learn more about how your building, school, facility or organization can benefit from today’s solar technology, simply fill out the form below, and one of our solar specialists will connect with you.
