HVAC Made Easy
Chiller Optimization And Chilled Loop Otimization
Our clients typically see an average electric savings of 10% to 40%
Maximize existing infra-structure to recover wasted capacity & utility spend
regulate and maintain the right temperature with incredible precision.
A sensible and proven path that helps you achieve your environmental objectives.
The Case for Optimization
Energy costs too high? Look closer at your HVAC system
When was the last time you looked closer at how effective your building’s air conditioning or refrigeration system is operating?
If you can’t recall or if it’s been a long time, you’re in good company: Most building owners and facility managers don’t pay much attention to how efficient their HVAC and refrigeration systems are operating until something goes wrong.
However, this also means those systems are very likely running far below their optimized performance parameters, and that is costing you a lot more energy (i.e. money) to keep them working every day.

The percentage you could potentially save on electricity by optimizing your HVAC system
Inside Your HVAC System
What exactly is ‘Advanced chiller and chilled water loop optimization’?

If your building’s HVAC system was a body, the chiller plant would usually be considered the “heart”.
Not only is the chiller plant the main source of cooling, but its power requirements make up a large amount of a building’s energy consumption.
This makes chiller optimization critical to achieving better building energy performance.
A primary challenge with achieving chiller optimization is recognizing that your chiller plant is very likely not operating at it’s designed ‘temperature differential’, which is the temperature difference between the chilled water supply and the chilled water return – called the “Delta T.”
It is not uncommon to find chiller plants operating at far less than optimal levels (at a lower Delta T). This can be caused many factors, including how the chiller equipment is controlled or how the air handlers, fan coils, etc. are operating.
The key to chiller optimization starts with the operation of the chillers and chilled water pumps. A variable-primary chilled water system is a more efficient setup because only one set of pumps is used to move water through the chillers and the building systems.
A strategic, expert-level chiller optimization program can address many potential issues before they require expensive repairs and/or increase in energy bills. Building owners and operators who want to keep costs under control should consider an advanced chiller optimization strategy.
Experience You Can Trust
The Process

Origyn International, Inc has deep experience in helping all types of buildings, facilities and properties identify and deploy the best Advanced Chiller and/or Chilled Water Loop Optimization solutions for their situation.
But it’s how we do it that continues to set us apart from the rest of the industry.
In this business, knowing the solution is never enough. It’s about understanding the opportunities and challenges behind the solution — and helping our clients position themselves for a stronger financial future.
Origyn’s Utility Services has both the resources and experience that come from completing Advanced Chiller and Chilled Water Loop Optimization projects for building, facilities and properties just like yours, all across the United States. We have the skill, knowledge and ability to be your Trusted Partner in energy efficiency.
12 Week Process (3 months) = Maximum Results, Minimal Requirements
Our turnkey solution has been designed to maximize the results and DOES NOT:
• Impact the thermostat settings
• Have any disruption of operations
• Require any new HVAC equipment
• Have any upfront capital costs

Data You Can Use
How It Works

Lower Electricity and Maintenance Costs
Advanced chiller optimization is commonly recognized as a proven and reliable way for buildings and facilities to reduce the amount of money they are paying to run and operate their HVAC and refrigeration systems.
Most existing systems waste money cooling a building (as much as one out of every three dollars spent). We remove that inefficiency, increasing system capacity and delivering long-term energy savings.
Clients typically see electric savings from 10% to 40%, and wear and tear on chiller equipment – motors, pumps, compressors, fans – are dramatically reduced, extending their lifespan.
Improved Occupant Comfort
Buildings and facilities of all sizes are under pressure to keep energy costs low while still delivering occupant comfort.
Advanced chiller optimization allows building and facility operators to regulate and maintain the right temperature with incredible precision.
In some cases, clients have reported as high as a 90% reduction in comfort complaints.
And with the decrease in hot and cold calls, building and facility support staff have more time available for preventative maintenance activities.

Environmental Sustainability
As the marketplace becomes increasingly aware of the impacts brought on by high energy consumption and its associated waste, building owners and operators must be diligent stewards of how their property impacts the environment as a whole.
Advanced chiller optimization has been a sensible and proven path to helping our clients achieve their environmental objectives – not only through reductions in energy consumption, but with the capacity to effectively measure and track energy consumption trends and proactively anticipated potential demand requirements.
Optimization with No Investment
No Budget? No Problem.
Through our Energy Savings as a Service turnkey solution, your building or facility can receive a complete chiller or chilled loop optimization solution without the risk of using your own capital to invest in any equipment OR pay for any of the ongoing maintenance.
Instead, Origyn International, Inc makes the investment for you, freeing up your capital for other more pressing issues.
The equipment and installation costs are then taken from the new energy savings that are generated through the lower heating/cooling costs.
You enjoy reduced operational costs derived from lower energy utilization, coupled with no equipment maintenance expenses – all without spending or risking any of your own capital.
No Investment
There is no up-front or out-of-pocket expenditure – we make the investment for you.
No Debt
It’s not a loan or traditional ‘financing’, so you get complete off-balance-sheet flexibility.
No Maintenance
All the service & maintenance costs are fully included during the entire service term.
Frees Up Capital
Enjoy the benefits of reduced operational costs without spending your own capital.
Free Consultation
To learn more about how Energy Savings as a Service can benefit your building, school, facility or organization, simply fill out the form below, and one of our energy experts will connect with you promptly.