Make Better Decisions


Give yourself better insight into how your building consumes and manages energy 

How Does Your Building Compare?

The Importance of Benchmarking

Chances are, you are keenly familiar with companies measuring the performance of their products and services by comparing them with what their competitors are doing.

That kind of analysis has long been recognized as a smart process by companies of all sizes.

Energy benchmarking plays a similarly and equally important role for building and facility owners, because it helps ensure your building’s energy performance is on par with other buildings and facilities in your area

Your utility company doesn’t like you to know how much energy you are using (the more energy you use, the more money they get from you!)

See where you are spending energy, and pinpoint areas that can deliver immediate savings.
If you are paying less for energy, you’re putting more back into the profit column.
Utilizing data gathered from a professional benchmarking can help you develop or improve a better energy management program, improve operational performance, or acquire financing for other projects.
Data You Can Use

How It Works



You have likely heard the old saying: You can’t manage what you don’t measure. And nowhere is that more true than energy. Collecting building energy consumption data sets a performance baseline that gives you a close look at how your building compares to similar buildings. It also shows you the level of energy savings you possible if you put into place efficiency improvements.


Energy benchmarking can help you reduce energy costs and save money, but benchmarking also delivers valuable information about how much energy is actually being being consumed by your building.

And the more information you have about this, the faster and easier it is to identify opportunities for savings and, maybe, even potential rebates from your local utilities.

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Good benchmarking’s roadmap to reduce energy costs gives the building itself a higher value, since improving energy efficiency is a fantastic long-term yet low-risk investment in your property. Improving your energy efficiency helps improve worker productivity too. Each day that you delay your decision to become more energy-efficient is lost potential energy savings.
Benchmarking Experts

Common Questions

The benefits of Benchmarking are extensive – but it’s common to have questions about how it may benefit your particular situtation or energy-savings objective.

Is it expensive?
Absolutely not. 

In fact, for less than the cost of a bad suit, you can have a complete and thorough professional energy benchmarking analysis completed for your property. We have made the entire process both affordable and simple.
How Long Does It Take?
That actually depends entirely on you.

The speed in which we can complete the energy benchmarking analysis for your property directly hinges on your ability to respond to requests for information and elements we need to conduct the benchmarking. This process can be completed as quickly as a matter of just several days if you are prompt to provide the information we need.
You wouldn’t try to perform surgery on yourself, would you?

Of course not – you would seek a surgeon to perform the task, because they are trained and experienced to handle it properly. The same logic applies to energy benchmarking:  There are so many nuances, data points, and elements to consider, it simply would be both impractical and ineffective to try and do it on your own. To truly accomplish an effective energy benchmarking objective, you should always only work with an experienced energy expert with both training and experience in delivering benchmarking projects.
How Does Your Building Compare?

The Importance of Benchmarking

Free Consultation

Still have questions? Connect with our Expert Benchmarking Team and see how our professional benchmarking solutions can benefit your organization.
