Welcome to the Future

Energy Savings as a Service

Give your entire building, school or facility a complete energy-efficiency upgrade, without risking any of your own capital.  


Get a Complete Energy-Efficiency Upgrade without Any Capital, Debt or Risk

Managing energy for a building, facility, school or institution is a heavy task. Not only is there a priority to reduce operational costs, but you also have to prioritize delivery demands. This balancing act results in many seeking more efficient energy systems that can lower electric, water and gas costs for their buildings. But concerns about how to afford those much-needed energy-efficient solutions have prevented many from making the investment – or, at least indefinitely postponing a decision until they can ‘find the money in the budget’.
No Capital Required

We make the investment for you, so there is zero out-of-pocket or up-front expenditure needed.

No Debt Impact

It will not impact debt ratios, lines of credit or conflict with any of your core purchases.

No Maintenance Costs

Covers all equipment, installation maintenance, and servicing. Everything is included.

Enjoy reduced operational costs derived from lower energy utilization and no equipment maintenance expenses – all without using your own capital.
Avoid selecting various vendors that provide design, installation, maintenance, and more. This is a turnkey solution that does it all.
Preserve Your Capital

Say Hello to EASY

Energy costs strongly and negatively impact your operating budget. And because energy costs continue to rise, buildings that do not carefully mange their energy usage can see operating budgets rapidly increase.

Deploying energy-efficient solutions in your buildings can lower your energy consumption dramatically – and that translates to spending less money for electricity, gas and water.

And, with Energy Savings as a Service, you also eliminate the need to conduct any maintenance or service on any upgraded or newly-installed equipment:  All the equipment maintenance is handled for you at no additional cost.

All that reduced energy and maintenance spending allows you to direct new savings towards more important initiatives, pay down debts, or simply put more money into the profit column. Saving money on energy has never been easier.

Are you still wondering if Energy Savings as a Service is right for you?

Energy Savings as a Service may be a good fit for you if:
You Want Lower Energy Costs
You’re keenly aware of the benefits that energy-efficient solutions can deliver, but you don’t want to run the risk of using your own capital to upgrade your building or facility. 
You Are Risk-Adverse
You want to pay-for-performance with a third party who will assume all the performance risk while providing project management and maintenance.
You Don’t Have the Budget
You want upgrades or retrofits throughout your building, facility, school or institution, but you don’t have the budget and can’t spend your own capital or incur any additional debt.
Energy Savings Easy

Common Questions

The benefits of Energy Savings as a Service are extensive – but it’s common to have questions about how it may benefit your particular situtation or energy-savings objective.
Is this a loan?
No – it is not a loan or traditional ‘financing’. It’s ‘as a service’, using the same model of how you have always purchased electricity, water and gas for your building or facility.
What Is Included?
All necessary equipment and materials, installation, and all support & maintenance for the duration of the service term – they are all included.
Instantly – from day one. There is no waiting period to see a ‘positive ROI’ because you made no up-front investment – instead, it is deployed as a service, so the savings are immediate.

Instantly – from day one.  There is no waiting period to see a ‘positive ROI’ because you made no up-front investment – instead, it is deployed as a service, so the savings are immediate.

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There has never been a more urgent time to lower your energy costs

One of the fastest and easiest ways to lower your expenses is to stop paying so much for the energy your building, facility, school or institution consumes every day.

Energy Savings as a Service is a sensible and smart strategy to make that happen.

Free Consultation

To learn more about how Energy Savings as a Service can benefit your building, school, facility or organization, simply fill out the form below, and one of our energy experts will connect with you promptly.
