Smart Power on Tap
Voltage Optimization
Reduce your electricity costs, extend the life of your electrical equipment, and decrease carbon emissions
Increase Your Cash Flow
How Voltage Optimization Reduces Costs and Extends Equipment Life
Imagine buying a bottle of water, and told you have to pay not just for the water in the bottle, but all the water spilled when filling it.
Seems kind of unfair, doesn’t it? Well, that’s pretty much how you have been paying for the electricity coming into your building.
Generally speaking, voltage is basically the force that causes charges to move in a wire or other electrical conductors, and is often referred to as electromotive force (EMF). You likely have noticed voltage ratings on product labels showing how much is needed to operate that particular device.
And that supply is almost always more than you need – but the electric company still charges you for the entire supply they send to your building, even though you only use a portion of it.
Giving your building, facility or property more voltage than it needs wastes not just electrical energy, but also money – and a lot of it – adding as much as 20% or more to your electricity bill. Plus, ‘overvoltage’ can dramatically shorten the life expectancy of all the equipment trying to handle the excess voltage (higher voltage is usually transformed into heat).
What you need is voltage that is properly regulated exactly for your specific consumption needs.
And that is where voltage optimization comes in.
Key Benefits of Voltage Optimization
The easiest, most sensible way to reduce electricity costs for your building, facility or property
Lower Electric Costs
Voltage optimization is commonly recognized as a proven and reliable way for companies to reduce the amount of money they are paying for electricity.
By making sure your building is only paying for the electricity it actually uses – and nothing more – you see your electric costs drop an average of 5-15% (in some cases, we have seen this to be as high as 21%), and the savings are guaranteed.

Longer Equipment Life
Reduced Carbon Emissions
Businesses looking to boost their eco-friendly identity will benefit from voltage optimization.
In a document prepared by McKinsey & Company appropriately named the ‘global greenhouse gas abatement cost curve’, Version 2.1, among the top three technologies best capable of reducing carbon emissions across a range of different sized buildings and facilities is voltage optimization (the other two being LED lighting and variable speed drives).
By using less electricity, your building, property or facility reduces the demands placed on the power utility, which in turn reduces carbon emissions from the utility plant generating that electricity.
So not only is voltage optimization good for your wallet, it’s also good for the environment.

No Power Spikes
The voltage coming into your building can be unstable – fluctuations in demand and supply can cause it to rise and fall quite dramatically from hour to hour, minute to minute or even second to second.
For example, if a nearby factory suddenly shuts big electric machines on and off, that can lead to brief spikes in power that can affect other buildings nearby. Spikes and sags can also be caused by a lightning strike, power-generating equipment going on or offline, or something as simple as a large amount of people all using electricity at once.
Voltage optimization regulates and maintains a stable voltage supply by using intelligent electronic controls that automatically adjust the voltage to ensure a constant level is delivered to your building, facility or property – reducing or even eliminating spikes and sags from affecting your electrical equipment.
Free Consultation
To learn more about how voltage optimization can benefit your building, school, or facility, simply fill out the form below, and one of our voltage optimization specialists will be in touch with you promptly.