Lower Your Refrigeration Costs

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How upgrading/retrofitting your refrigeration systems is a sensible path to a rapid reduction in energy spend

Control Your Costs
Refrigeration optimization solves the four primary shortcomings that make your current HVAC/R system costly, inefficient, and potentially unsafe

Your current electricity costs are too high because you have an inefficient HVAC/R system driving up your peak demand consumption.

Efficiency gains of modern air-to-air systems are outpaced by the rising costs of new technology, making buying new units expensive.

Most Refrigeration Systems are working under high pressure, which accelerates wear and tear and  translates into high service and repair costs.  

Older refrigertaion systems that are net yet optimezed contibute to ozone and cause damage to people and the environment.

Why Refrigeration Optimization Matters

A simple solution to a growing (and often hidden) problem

How old are the cooling systems at your facility?

There are FIVE solution sets available for Refrigeration Optimization:

♦  EC Motors for Coolers
♦  Advanced Refrigeration Controls
♦  Door Heaters and Controls
♦  Variable Compressors
♦  Night Covers

Commercial refrigeration energy efficiency projects are challenging due to the dynamic configurations, complex operations, and all the multiple system interactions involved.

The key components that comprise commercial refrigeration systems are controls, compressors, evaporators, and condensers.  These components have unique input parameters such as cooling demand, suction pressure and discharge pressure, all driven by a highly inconsistent variable: The weather.

To achieve the optimal operating efficiencies, it is important that building and facility managers understand these components and their impact on their overall system.

♦  Refrigeration systems account for the largest energy usage in a manufacturing facility, often up to 60 percent of a plant’s total operating expenses.

♦  Compressors account for the majority of the energy consumption in a refrigeration system.

♦  An integrated approach to optimizing the mechanical system, along with an automation strategy, is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy costs related to refrigeration systems.

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How much the average inefficient RTUs wastes per unit every single year.

Compare the Results

Before and After



Experience You Can Trust

Game-Changing Technology

The Origyn’s Refrigeraton optimization solution uniquely marries HVAC and industrial refrigeration technologies to achieve unprecedented performance and cost savings for all commercial buildings that currently rely on inefficient air-to-air systems. 

  • Suitable for new installation or to retrofit any conventional system
  • Uses industry-standard eGauge for remote monitoring
  • 3X to 4X increase in system capacity (conventional commercial system cooling capacity = 250 sf/ton – the Origyn solution has a cooling capacity = 800 to 1,000 sf/ton)  
  • A reduction of demand power consumption (minimum 25% reduction in demand power consumption)
  • Reduction of refrigerate use (50+% reduction of refrigerants in system; total elimination of refrigerants in occupied space)  
  • reduction in power costs (historically, greater than 25% reduction in monthly electric bills)
  • Field-proven: Systems have logged more than 23 years of reliable operation

Digital sequencing of the condensing units in a single chilled solution loop system have proven much more effective and efficient than single air-to-air systems working independently. 

A refrigeration optimized system dramatically lowers the electrical demand (Kwd) and, as a result, saves you money on electricity.  

And, freon use in buildings using the refrigeration optimization program have been reduced by up to 65%.  In fact, “no” freon enters the conditioned space.  The system can also be used to heat and significantly reduce or eliminate the need for less efficient supplemental heat.  This aids in reducing kWh consumption, operating and maintenance costs.

RTU Optimization

Solves the four primary shortcomings that make your current hvac/r system costly, inefficient, and potentially unsafe

Your current refrigeration system is a peak demand hog

Your current electricity costs are too high because you have an inefficient HVAC/R system driving up your peak demand power consumption, so the power company charges you a premium based on peak Kilowatt demand (kWd). 

The compressors in your current HVAC/R system constantly turn on and off to maintain the temperature of your building. These compressors also have heat strips that turn on and off in cold weather to prevent freezing.  These and other outmoded functions of your system cause dramatic spikes in your electricity use at the worst possible times—maximizing your consumption of power at extremely expensive peak-power rates. 

Our advanced refrigeration optimization program is specifically developed to dramatically reduce demand power consumption, greatly reducing your monthly electric bill.

Replacement / Upgrade costs are too high

Efficiency gains of modern air-to-air systems are being outpaced by the rising costs of new technology. That, coupled with increased regulations, have compounded the expense of buying new units to supplement/ replace your aging system. 

With our advanced refrigeration optimization program,  you don’t have to invest in a costly replacement system. The Origyn Services team will install one or more hydronic units and integrate it with components of your existing system that have been reconditioned and upgraded to meet our performance specifications. 

The result is a new hydronic system that is far more efficient, longer lasting, and much less expensive than conventional air-to-air systems.

Your refrigeration system needs costly maintenance

A conventional refrigeration system works under high pressure, and that pressure seals gaskets, coils and connectors, but accelerates wear and tear on compressors and other internal components, which then translates into high service and repair costs.  

In most installations, advanced refrigeration optimization reduces the total number of components that are subject to malfunction or failure.  The system then functions at much lower pressures, which reduces component failure, lowers maintenance costs, and extends the operating life of your system (see:  Saves you money).

Replacement / Your Refrigeration system poses potential health risks costs are too high

Refrigerant is perfectly safe within an HVAC/R system – but the same cannot be said for refrigerant in the environment. 

In the past, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were widely used as refrigerants. Unfortunately, these CFCs, and even their successor Hydro fluorocarbons (HCFCs), deplete ozone once they eventually reach the stratosphere. 

This is problematic for all forms of life.  

Advanced refrigeration optimization can remove up to half the refrigerant your current system requires.  The lower the operating pressure, the lower the potential for refrigerant leaks.  This is better for your building’s occupants and the environment as a whole.

Optimization with No Investment

No Budget? No Problem.

Through our Energy Savings as a Service turnkey solution, your building or facility can receive a complete refrigeration optimization solution without the risk of using your own capital to invest in any equipment OR pay for any of the ongoing maintenance.

Instead, the Origyn International team makes the investment for you, freeing up your capital for other more pressing issues.

The equipment and installation costs are then taken from the new energy savings that are generated through the lower cooling costs.

You enjoy reduced operational costs derived from lower energy utilization, coupled with no equipment maintenance expenses – all without spending or risking any of your own capital.

No Investment

There is no up-front or out-of-pocket expenditure – we make the investment for you.

No Debt

It’s not a loan or traditional ‘financing’, so you get complete off-balance-sheet flexibility.

No Maintenance

All the service & maintenance costs are fully included during the entire service term.

Frees Up Capital

Enjoy the benefits of reduced operational costs without the risk of spending your own capital.

Free Consultation

To learn more about how refrigeration optimization can benefit your building, school or facility, simply fill out the form below, and one of our refrigeration specialists will connect with you.
